10 Easy Ways to Go Green in Your Home

Two hands holding green globe. Interstate Pest Management serving Portland OR & Vancouver WA talks about 10 Easy Ways to Go Green in Your Home.

“Going Green” doesn’t mean that you have to make a significant financial commitment. There are simple and affordable ways that you can turn your home into an eco-friendly and healthy place to live. Take a look at the following go-green tips from the eco-friendly pest experts at Interstate Pest Management, and how they can make a positive impact on the environment and your family home.

1. Put an End to Junk Mail

Are you a victim of receiving pounds of unnecessary mail each and every day? It is simpler than you might think to quickly and easily put an end to this unwanted mail. With just a few clicks or calls, opting out of these mailings can save you up to 69 pounds of paper in just one year.

2. Make Your Own Cleaning Supplies

It may come as a surprise to some that making your own cleaning supplies is easier than it looks. With just a few cheap ingredients such as vinegar, lemon, and baking soda, you can create an affordable, non-toxic cleaning product that also saves time and packaging.

3. Plant an Herb Garden

Planting your own garden is a fun and exciting way to go green in your home. With this, you can grow your own food and know what pesticides and fertilizers are used when growing your vegetables. A home garden frees you from depending solely on commercial farm industries that rely on practices that pollute and harm the environment.

4. Go Meatless One Day a Week

Make an effort to eat a vegetarian meal at least once a week. Although this may not seem like it would have a substantial impact, it has been proven that a family of four eating meatless one day a week has the same impact as driving a hybrid car on the environment.

5. Completely Turn Off Electronics

Even if your screens are turned off, energy is still being drained from these devices (computers, cell phones, etc.). A good rule of thumb to follow is “when it is not in use, turn it off.” We suggest plugging various electronics such as the TV, DVD player, etc., into a power strip so when you are done with the devices or before you go to bed at night, you can quickly and easily switch it all completely off from one power source.

6. Plant Trees Strategically

Observe the surroundings of your household to find the best places to plant trees that will provide shade for your home. If you can, specifically shading your air conditioning unit can make a huge impact on your monthly bills. By strategically planting trees to shade your home, you can save up to $250 a year on your heating and cooling bills and save a large amount of energy.

7. Wash Laundry in Cold Instead of Hot Water

Making this small change can have a large impact on the amount of energy your household is using. It has been found that 85% of the energy that is used when machine washing laundry goes to just heating water. This simple edit in your daily chores can substantially improve your energy usage.

8. Travel Eco-Friendly

There are many opportunities in which your family can be more environmentally-friendly when it comes to transportation. When going on a road trip, consider renting out a hybrid vehicle to travel in if possible. For everyday life, encourage your family and friends to carpool whenever possible. Utilizing public transportation and even riding bikes to and from work can reduce emissions that your car may produce.

9. Switch Your Light Bulbs to CFL Bulbs

Make an effort to switch at least a few of your current light bulbs to Energy Star rated compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. These bulbs use 75% less energy and also last over ten times longer than incandescent bulbs having both an immediate and long-term impact.

10. Hold the Kids To It

Teach the family young! Remind the kids to always completely turn off all video games, TVs and lights behind them when exiting a room. Also, teach them skills such as remembering to turn off the water while brushing their teeth. Another great way to explain the importance of these eco-friendly efforts is to read a children’s book or watch a children’s movie that has a strong message of being environmentally aware. This opens up a great opportunity to connect with your kids and teach them more about why it’s important to “Go Green.” Not only will starting them young save you money and help the environment but hopefully this will also teach them lifelong habits that will make positive impacts in our world down the road!