
Racoons are commonly recognized by their bandit-like faces and tendency to ransack garbage cans. These pests are efficient scavengers. In fact, their paws allow them to open nearly anything, including garage doors, door knobs, and even windows. Raccoons can also swim, climb, and stand on their hind legs to inspect objects. These nuisance pests are very adaptable to their environment, from cities and neighborhoods to farms.




 Size 2 feet to 3 feet long – 7 to 10 lbs.
 Color Gray
 Body Structure Raccoons are heavily furred and have distinctive black “mask” markings over their eyes. They also have dark and light rings around their tail.
 Characteristics Raccoons generally live for about 2 to 3 years. They can make dens nearly anywhere as they are very adaptable creatures. It’s not very common to see raccoons active in the daytime as they are primarily nocturnal pests. Raccoons are known to be aggressive. They have long, sharp claws and if they feel threatened they may scratch or bite.
 Habitat & Behavior In the wild, raccoons sleep in abandoned burrows and crooks of trees. In homes, they’ll live in attics, crawl spaces, and underneath porches. This wildlife animal will feed on snails, produce, birds, rabbits, and their own eggs. And despite their reputation for dumpster diving, raccoons are very clean. They clean their food before consuming it.
 Commonly Active Spring / Summer / Fall / Winter
 Prevention & Treatment Because raccoons love food and love being around people who have a lot of food, they’ll quickly invade your property, without hesitation to eat your scraps or feast on your garden. Exclusion and trapping are the most effective ways to deter raccoons. Pick up fallen fruit, and secure trash cans. Cover attic vents and other openings around your home and consider rodent guards for large fruit trees. For active infestations, raccoon trapping & removal is recommended.