Ants can ruin more than just a picnic. Some ant species will sting and others will destroy wood, putting your home and safety at risk. It’s in these instances when it’s best to call an exterminator for your ant problem.
When Ants Can Sting
Fire ants belong to the Hymenoptera order of insects which also includes bees and wasps. These insects all share common characteristics, traits, and behaviors from how they develop to how they build nests. Just like other insects in this order, fire ants will also become extremely aggressive and sting repeatedly if they feel threatened or their colony has been disturbed.
People who’ve suffered fire ant stings may experience itching and swelling, in addition to chest pain, nausea, and difficulty breathing.
It’s always recommended you contact a professional when dealing with stinging insects, including the fire ant.
When Your Building is Threatened
Carpenter ants are the Pacific Northwest’s largest ant and they get their name because of their wood-destroying behavior. However, unlike termites who eat wood, carpenter ants excavate wood to help build their nests — which can be in wall voids, window frames, tree trunks, and more.
Indoor carpenter ant nests are typically satellite nests connected to the colony’s main nest located somewhere outside. Satellite nests are often established in moist areas like around leaky pipes and around improperly sealed window frames.
Because carpenter ants nest inside of the wood in your home, pest control methods for carpenter ants are handled differently compared to other ants. Wall void injections are usually used to treat these pests.
Professional Ant Exterminators
If you continue to experience repeat ant infestations or have threatening ant species in your home, it’s time to call an ant exterminator. Contacting a licensed and experienced pest control company such as Interstate Pest Management is the only surefire way to effectively eliminate the problem and keep it from returning.